Members associated with Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC)
Almut Schlaich
Study species: Montagu's Harrier
Research topic: Full annual cycle
Research project: Space-use and behaviour of Montagu’s Harriers
I am passionate about Montagu’s Harriers since I first observed these gracile raptors dancing above the vast cereal fields of Eastern Groningen in the Netherlands in 2009. I could count myself lucky to start working on this amazing species at the Dutch Montagu’s Harrier Foundation doing my Master’s thesis on stopover site ecology of Montagu’s Harriers at an important stopover site in East Morocco. Since then, I travelled through many European and West African countries in search of Montagu’s Harriers, following our satellite- and GPS-tagged individuals.
Members associated with Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group - Institute of Landscape Ecology - WWU Münster
No members registered
Projects in Muraviovka Park, Russia
Amur Bird Project
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Migration
Research location: Muraviovka Park, Russia
Status: Active
Member: Wieland Heim
Volunteer-based bird migration research, long-term monitoring, conservation and environmental education at Muraviovka Park in Far East Russia. Organized since 2011 by Wieland Heim. View blog here.
Projects in Eastern Black Sea coast
Batumi Raptor Count
Research topic: Migration
Research location: Eastern Black Sea coast
Status: Active
Member: Wouter Vansteelant
BRC is a research and conservation project working on migratory birds (of prey) at the eastern Black Sea coast of the Republic of Georgia and consists of a highly dynamic and forward-thinking team of young biologists and nature enthusiasts.
Members associated with BirdLife Netherlands
No members registered
Members associated with British Trust for Ornithology
No members registered
Members associated with University of Groningen
Almut Schlaich
Study species: Montagu's Harrier
Research topic: Full annual cycle
Research project: Space-use and behaviour of Montagu’s Harriers
I am passionate about Montagu’s Harriers since I first observed these gracile raptors dancing above the vast cereal fields of Eastern Groningen in the Netherlands in 2009. I could count myself lucky to start working on this amazing species at the Dutch Montagu’s Harrier Foundation doing my Master’s thesis on stopover site ecology of Montagu’s Harriers at an important stopover site in East Morocco. Since then, I travelled through many European and West African countries in search of Montagu’s Harriers, following our satellite- and GPS-tagged individuals.
Janne Ouwehand
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Wintering ecology
A strong passion for nature and travelling around the world… Together with curiosity, involvement and an exploring mind they form the foundation of my field research in animal ecology.
Research projects: Breeding ecology and migration of Sedge Warblers; Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
Tianhao Zhao
Study species: Siberian rubythroat; Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechat
Research topics: Geolocation tracking; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; genetic migration
I am a 2nd-year PhD student in University of Groningen, the Netherlands, main supervisor is Barbara Helm. I work with Siberian rubythroat and Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechats (race maurus, przewalski and stejnegeri) to study: 1. the impact of geographical barriers in western China (e.g., Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) on the migration routes of passerines; 2. the genetic basis and genomic structural details associated with the migration pattern differences across different populations.
Projects in Casa de la Ciencia, Seville
No projects registered
Members associated with International Centre for Bird Migration (CIMA), Cadiz
No members registered
Members associated with University of Exeter
Malcolm Burgess
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research project: Pied Flycatcher Network (
Projects in East Dartmoor NNR
Pied Flycatcher Network (
Research topic: Breeding ecology
Research locations: Arlington Court, Devon; Devon and Somerset woodlands; East Dartmoor NNR
Status: Active
Members: Chris Dee; Malcolm Burgess
PiedFly.Net is a science based non-profit organisation co-ordinating community participation in monitoring Pied Flycatchers and other hole-nesting woodland birds to contribute to science and monitoring projects. The network co-ordinates monitoring of nest box schemes with breeding populations of Pied Flycatchers across southwest England. It is run by Malcolm Burgess. See
Projects in Devon and Somerset woodlands
Pied Flycatcher Network (
Research topic: Breeding ecology
Research locations: Arlington Court, Devon; Devon and Somerset woodlands; East Dartmoor NNR
Status: Active
Members: Chris Dee; Malcolm Burgess
PiedFly.Net is a science based non-profit organisation co-ordinating community participation in monitoring Pied Flycatchers and other hole-nesting woodland birds to contribute to science and monitoring projects. The network co-ordinates monitoring of nest box schemes with breeding populations of Pied Flycatchers across southwest England. It is run by Malcolm Burgess. See
Members associated with Ornis Italica
No members registered
Projects in Strait of Messina
Strait of Messina Bird Observatory
Research topic: Migration
Research location: Strait of Messina
Status: Active
The project was launched in 2014 as a side activity of a visual and radar monitoring of birds on migration near a new powerline of TERNA on the Strait of Messina. It is ongoing as a collaboration between Ornis italica ( and MEDRAPTORS ( Our website:
Members associated with RSPB
Alison Beresford
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Distribution; Full annual cycle; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity
I work in RSPB's International Conservation Science team, supporting the Migrants and Flyways Programme.
Projects in Senegal
Turtle Dove solution trialling (UK)
Research topic: Breeding ecology
Research location: Senegal
Status: Active
During 2011-2015, Turtle Doves have been monitored in the UK to determine their foraging, breeding and ranging behaviour in order to determine whether trial conservation interventions positively impact breeding success.
Members associated with University of St Andrews, Scotland
No members registered
Members associated with APLORI, Jos, Nigeria
Israel Adedeji Bolade
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research topics: Non-breeding ecology; Wintering ecology
Research project: Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
A nature lover with a keen interest in the ecology of migrants and avian behaviour. A Research Associate with APLORI, a former intern with and current member of Dr Rob Thomas' Behaviour Group at the Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University. SCCS Cambridge Alumnus. Rufford Small Grants Recipient. I also guide the occasional student through data analyses and experimental design.
Members associated with University of Amsterdam
Wouter Vansteelant
Study species: Eurasian birds of prey
Research topic: Migration
Research project: Batumi Raptor Count
As a keen birder I have long been fascinated by ecology and the complexity of natural systems. Animal movement is a particularly intriguing discipline aiming to understand how individual animals decide to move through their environment in search of resources, and how behavior of individuals translates into population dynamics and species distributions.
Projects in Liberia
No projects registered
Members associated with Turku University, Finland
Wieland Heim
Study species: Barnacle Goose; Passerines
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Migration
Research project: Amur Bird Project
Projects in Mirnoye, Siberia
No projects registered
Projects in Kvarkush, Ural mountains, Russia
No projects registered
Projects in Khingansky zapovednik, Russia
No projects registered
Projects in Baikalsky zapovednik, Russia
No projects registered
Members associated with Università di Torino, Italy
Martha Maria Sander
Study species: Northern Wheatear
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Climate Change; Migration; Migration routes; Mountain ecology
I am interested in the link between breeding ecology and migration, and effects of climate change in alpine systems. I collect and analyse data on Northern wheatear reproduction (nest monitoring), survival (colour ringing), seasonal habitat and timing of migration (geolocation).Camille Mermillon
Study species: Northern Wheatear
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Climate Change; Mountain ecology; Trophic links
Projects in Parco Naturale Val Troncea
No projects registered
Projects in Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast
Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Non-breeding ecology
Research location: Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast
Status: Archived
Members: Wender; Israel Adedeji Bolade
Projects in Dwingelderveld Drenthe, Netherlands
No projects registered
Members associated with Konrad-Lorenz Institute of Ethology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Ivan Maggini
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Migration; Stopover ecology
Research projects: Ecophysiology of migratory songbirds crossing the Sahara; Stopover after sea crossing
I am the scientific coordinator of the Austrian Ornithological Centre (AOC) based in Vienna. I'm also a board member of EURING, the European bird ringing association, and chair of the MLSG.
Members associated with Biological Station Illmitz, Austria
No members registered
Projects in Ventotene, Italy
Stopover after sea crossing
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Migration; Stopover ecology
Research locations: Ponza, Italy; Ventotene, Italy
Status: Active
Member: Ivan Maggini
We collaborate with the Progetto Piccole Isole (PPI, translated "small islands project") on two Italian islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea. These islands attract huge numbers of migrants during spring migration, probably because the birds arriving there need a short rest after having performed a long direct crossing of the Mediterranean Sea (about 500 km from the North African coast). This offers a great opportunity to study several aspects linked to stopover and migration physiology on large sample sizes from several species. Please visit the website of the Ponza station here:
Projects in Ponza, Italy
Stopover after sea crossing
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Migration; Stopover ecology
Research locations: Ponza, Italy; Ventotene, Italy
Status: Active
Member: Ivan Maggini
We collaborate with the Progetto Piccole Isole (PPI, translated "small islands project") on two Italian islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea. These islands attract huge numbers of migrants during spring migration, probably because the birds arriving there need a short rest after having performed a long direct crossing of the Mediterranean Sea (about 500 km from the North African coast). This offers a great opportunity to study several aspects linked to stopover and migration physiology on large sample sizes from several species. Please visit the website of the Ponza station here:
Projects in Hotel Yasmina, Morocco
Ecophysiology of migratory songbirds crossing the Sahara
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Migration
Research location: Hotel Yasmina, Morocco
Status: Active
Member: Ivan Maggini
This project revolves around the factors affecting stopover at the Northern edge of the Sahara Desert during spring migration. Our research is conducted in a dry lake bed (only rarely filled with water) surrounded by tamarisks, a very tiny oasis in an otherwise rocky and sandy desert, which attracts good numbers of passerine migrants. The strength of this location lies in the fact that it is very small, allowing the majority of birds landing there to be captured and marked and easily followed during their stopover. Some species use the site for quite long stopovers of up to three weeks, which is an interesting and unexpected pattern for such a small patch (about 4 ha).
Projects in Van Oordt's Mersken
Breeding ecology and migration of Sedge Warblers
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Migration
Research location: Van Oordt's Mersken
Status: Active
Member: Wender
Projects in UK
No projects registered
Members living in The Netherlands
Research projects: Breeding ecology and migration of Sedge Warblers; Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
Tianhao Zhao
Study species: Siberian rubythroat; Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechat
Research topics: Geolocation tracking; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; genetic migration
I am a 2nd-year PhD student in University of Groningen, the Netherlands, main supervisor is Barbara Helm. I work with Siberian rubythroat and Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechats (race maurus, przewalski and stejnegeri) to study: 1. the impact of geographical barriers in western China (e.g., Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) on the migration routes of passerines; 2. the genetic basis and genomic structural details associated with the migration pattern differences across different populations.
Members living in North Devon
Chris Dee
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research project: Pied Flycatcher Network (
I have had an interest in the natural world since childhood and developed an enthusiasm for birds in my teenage years, going on to study Zoology at the University of Oxford.
In North Devon, England, I monitor breeding Pied Flycatchers in nestboxes at three woodlands as part of the PiedFly Network.
When I am not ringing, I run my own company specialising in website development for bird-related not-for-profit organisations and volunteer groups.
Projects in Arlington Court, Devon
Pied Flycatcher Network (
Research topic: Breeding ecology
Research locations: Arlington Court, Devon; Devon and Somerset woodlands; East Dartmoor NNR
Status: Active
Members: Chris Dee; Malcolm Burgess
PiedFly.Net is a science based non-profit organisation co-ordinating community participation in monitoring Pied Flycatchers and other hole-nesting woodland birds to contribute to science and monitoring projects. The network co-ordinates monitoring of nest box schemes with breeding populations of Pied Flycatchers across southwest England. It is run by Malcolm Burgess. See
Projects in Nigeria
The Nigerian Bird Atlas
Research topic: Distribution
Research location: Nigeria
Status: Active
Member: Dickson Anoibi Matthew
Knowledge about the distribution of bird species in Nigeria has historically been presented in detailed checklists such as “The Birds of Nigeria” by Elgood et al. (1993), "Birds of Africa" etc. However, over the last 50 and especially during the last 20-30 years, the environment in Nigeria has gone through great changes mainly due to increase in the human population. This has increased the pressure on birds and other biodiversity and has certainly also impacted the distribution of the country's avifauna. A more recent and updated assessment of the distribution of the country's biodiversity is thus not only important but also very urgently needed.
Members associated with University of St Andrews
Will Cresswell
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Non-breeding ecology
Will Cresswell is Professor of Biology at St Andrews University and has been studying predator-prey interactions, and the ecology of migrant birds for the last 30 years. Current research priorities are to understand the factors determining the density and distribution of Palearctic migrants wintering in West Africa so that we can address their continuing declines in the face of anthropogenic habitat and climate change. As part of the solution he is also involved with capacity building in the region through helping to run the AP Leventis Ornithological Research Institute that trains future African ornithologists.
Will Cresswell has been involved in management, teaching and research at APLORI from the very start when a chance meeting with Tasso Leventis on a rain forest trail in Ibadan in 1999 led to the initial partnership between APLORI and Oxford University. Will developed the curriculum and initial teaching program for the Masters in Conservation Biology at APLORI, and his then PhD students, Ross MacGregor and Jared Wilson were the first researchers on site at Amurum, setting up the long term ringing and survey program that continues to this day. Will has taught almost all of the hundred and twenty plus Masters students at one time or another, and has had eleven PhD students carrying out research based at APLORI, including three APLORI graduates, Sam Ivande, Murna Tela and Chima Nwaogu. Will is on the Management and Scientific Committees for APLORI, and is a Trustee of the APLORI Foundation that oversees the endowment that provides APLORI’s core funding.
Members associated with APLORI (AP Leventis Ornithological Research Institute
Will Cresswell
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Non-breeding ecology
Will Cresswell is Professor of Biology at St Andrews University and has been studying predator-prey interactions, and the ecology of migrant birds for the last 30 years. Current research priorities are to understand the factors determining the density and distribution of Palearctic migrants wintering in West Africa so that we can address their continuing declines in the face of anthropogenic habitat and climate change. As part of the solution he is also involved with capacity building in the region through helping to run the AP Leventis Ornithological Research Institute that trains future African ornithologists.
Will Cresswell has been involved in management, teaching and research at APLORI from the very start when a chance meeting with Tasso Leventis on a rain forest trail in Ibadan in 1999 led to the initial partnership between APLORI and Oxford University. Will developed the curriculum and initial teaching program for the Masters in Conservation Biology at APLORI, and his then PhD students, Ross MacGregor and Jared Wilson were the first researchers on site at Amurum, setting up the long term ringing and survey program that continues to this day. Will has taught almost all of the hundred and twenty plus Masters students at one time or another, and has had eleven PhD students carrying out research based at APLORI, including three APLORI graduates, Sam Ivande, Murna Tela and Chima Nwaogu. Will is on the Management and Scientific Committees for APLORI, and is a Trustee of the APLORI Foundation that oversees the endowment that provides APLORI’s core funding.
Sam Ivande
Study species: Some migrant species
Research topics: Distribution; Non-breeding ecology; Wintering ecology
I am a Conservation Biologist and a Lecturer at the A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Nigeria. APLORI is West Africa’s foremost Ornithology and biodiversity conservation training Institute. I currently serve as the Scientific Director at APLORI and help to coordinate the implementation of the academic curriculum for the APLORI MSc Conservation Biology course. I also help coordinate ongoing research at the Institute. Prior to this, I served as the pioneer Project Manager for the Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NiBAP) - the first nationwide biodiversity citizen project aimed at promoting public participation in biodiversity conservation by young Nigerians through bird watching. I helped provide strategic direction to promote public engagement through education and volunteering for the project. Along with the Nigerian Bird Atlas Team, we increased local engagement by recruiting, training and organizing over 1000 young nature enthusiasts into over 25 bird clubs across Nigeria and West Africa. I really enjoy the formal and semi-formal opportunities that my work as an Ornithologist affords me to travel, watch and study birds and learn about nature and other cultures. I remain motivated by a passionate desire to contribute to an environmentally conscious society not only in Nigeria but across Africa.
Samuel Temidayo (Dayo) Osinubi
Study species: African Pygmy Kingfisher; Woodland Kingfisher
Research topics: Geolocation tracking; Migratory connectivity; Phylogeography
Research project: Intra-African migrant birds: ecology and conservation
An avian behavioural ecologist interested in bird behaviour relative to their environment.
Dickson Anoibi Matthew
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Distribution; genetic migration; Geolocation tracking; Light pollution; Migration; Non-breeding ecology; Stopover ecology
Research project: The Nigerian Bird Atlas
Israel Adedeji Bolade
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research topics: Non-breeding ecology; Wintering ecology
Research project: Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
A nature lover with a keen interest in the ecology of migrants and avian behaviour. A Research Associate with APLORI, a former intern with and current member of Dr Rob Thomas' Behaviour Group at the Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University. SCCS Cambridge Alumnus. Rufford Small Grants Recipient. I also guide the occasional student through data analyses and experimental design.Taiwo Adams
Study species: Tree Pipits
Research topic: Non-breeding ecology
Members living in Jos
Sam Ivande
Study species: Some migrant species
Research topics: Distribution; Non-breeding ecology; Wintering ecology
I am a Conservation Biologist and a Lecturer at the A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI), Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Nigeria. APLORI is West Africa’s foremost Ornithology and biodiversity conservation training Institute. I currently serve as the Scientific Director at APLORI and help to coordinate the implementation of the academic curriculum for the APLORI MSc Conservation Biology course. I also help coordinate ongoing research at the Institute. Prior to this, I served as the pioneer Project Manager for the Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NiBAP) - the first nationwide biodiversity citizen project aimed at promoting public participation in biodiversity conservation by young Nigerians through bird watching. I helped provide strategic direction to promote public engagement through education and volunteering for the project. Along with the Nigerian Bird Atlas Team, we increased local engagement by recruiting, training and organizing over 1000 young nature enthusiasts into over 25 bird clubs across Nigeria and West Africa. I really enjoy the formal and semi-formal opportunities that my work as an Ornithologist affords me to travel, watch and study birds and learn about nature and other cultures. I remain motivated by a passionate desire to contribute to an environmentally conscious society not only in Nigeria but across Africa.
Dickson Anoibi Matthew
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Distribution; genetic migration; Geolocation tracking; Light pollution; Migration; Non-breeding ecology; Stopover ecology
Research project: The Nigerian Bird Atlas
Israel Adedeji Bolade
Study species: Pied Flycatcher
Research topics: Non-breeding ecology; Wintering ecology
Research project: Non-breeding ecology Pied Flycatcher
A nature lover with a keen interest in the ecology of migrants and avian behaviour. A Research Associate with APLORI, a former intern with and current member of Dr Rob Thomas' Behaviour Group at the Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University. SCCS Cambridge Alumnus. Rufford Small Grants Recipient. I also guide the occasional student through data analyses and experimental design.Caka
Study species: Yellow-billed Kite
Research topic: Yellow-billed Kite dispersal pattern
I'm Caka, a Master's student at Lund University. For my Master's project, I'm studying Yellow-billed Kites and Red Kites dispersal pattern
Members associated with Middle East Technical University
No members registered
Members living in Ankara
No members registered
Members associated with University of Vienna, Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research
No members registered
Members associated with FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town
Samuel Temidayo (Dayo) Osinubi
Study species: African Pygmy Kingfisher; Woodland Kingfisher
Research topics: Geolocation tracking; Migratory connectivity; Phylogeography
Research project: Intra-African migrant birds: ecology and conservation
An avian behavioural ecologist interested in bird behaviour relative to their environment.
Members living in Whitehorse, Yukon
Samuel Temidayo (Dayo) Osinubi
Study species: African Pygmy Kingfisher; Woodland Kingfisher
Research topics: Geolocation tracking; Migratory connectivity; Phylogeography
Research project: Intra-African migrant birds: ecology and conservation
An avian behavioural ecologist interested in bird behaviour relative to their environment.
Members associated with Swiss Ornithological Institute
Martins Briedis
Study species: Common Starling; Northern House Martin; Some migrant species
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Migratory connectivity
Barbara Helm
Study species: Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechat
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Full annual cycle; genetic migration; Non-breeding ecology; Light pollution
Hi, I'm at the Swiss Ornithological Institute. I'm interested in all aspects of migration, in particular responses to light pollution, the migration cycle in Africa, and broadly timing and annual cycles.
Peter Knaus
Study species: All migrants
Research topic: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation
Director of Conservation at the Swiss Ornithological Institute, where we coordinate the African-Eurasian Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP)Reto Spaar
Head of the regional offices unit and deputy head ot the species conservation unit at the Swiss Ornithological Institute.
Member of the Coordination unit of the AEMLAP (African-Eurasian migratory landbirds action plan) of the CMS (Convention on migratory species).
Crinan Jarrett
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Non-breeding ecology; Non-breeding regions
I'm a post-doc at the Swiss Ornithological Institute, studying the ecology of migratory passerines in their non-breeding grounds.
Members associated with University of Latvia, Institute of Biology
Martins Briedis
Study species: Common Starling; Northern House Martin; Some migrant species
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Migratory connectivity
Members living in Edinburgh, UK
Alison Beresford
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Distribution; Full annual cycle; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity
I work in RSPB's International Conservation Science team, supporting the Migrants and Flyways Programme.
Members associated with Durham University
Kieran Lawrence
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Migration; Migratory connectivity; Non-breeding ecology
Members associated with Department of Ecology, Charles University
Vojtěch Brlík
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Distribution; Full annual cycle; Non-breeding ecology
Members living in Prague
Vojtěch Brlík
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Distribution; Full annual cycle; Non-breeding ecology
Members living in Sempach, Switzerland
Barbara Helm
Study species: Siberian/Stejnegeri's stonechat
Research topics: Ecophysiology; Full annual cycle; genetic migration; Non-breeding ecology; Light pollution
Hi, I'm at the Swiss Ornithological Institute. I'm interested in all aspects of migration, in particular responses to light pollution, the migration cycle in Africa, and broadly timing and annual cycles.
Peter Knaus
Study species: All migrants
Research topic: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation
Director of Conservation at the Swiss Ornithological Institute, where we coordinate the African-Eurasian Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP)Reto Spaar
Head of the regional offices unit and deputy head ot the species conservation unit at the Swiss Ornithological Institute.
Member of the Coordination unit of the AEMLAP (African-Eurasian migratory landbirds action plan) of the CMS (Convention on migratory species).
Crinan Jarrett
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Non-breeding ecology; Non-breeding regions
I'm a post-doc at the Swiss Ornithological Institute, studying the ecology of migratory passerines in their non-breeding grounds.
Members associated with University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Kasper Thorup
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Migration routes; Non-breeding ecology; Resource tracking; Stopover ecology
Members associated with CEFE - CNRS
No members registered
Members associated with University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Brady Mattsson
Members associated with BirdLife International
Jessica Williams
Research topic: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation
Members living in Cambridge, UK
Jessica Williams
Research topic: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation
Members associated with Fudan University
No members registered
Members associated with Lancaster University
Catrin Eden
Study species: Spotted Flycatcher
Research topic: Full annual cycle
I am in the first year of my PhD researching the decline of Spotted Flycatchers and how habitat and environmental drivers impact their population dynamics.
Stuart Sharp
Study species: Spotted Flycatcher
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Climate Change
Members living in Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate; Globe Institute
No members registered
Members associated with A Rocha Kenya
Raphaël Nussbaumer
Study species: Mangrove Kingfisher; Northern Wheatear; Red-capped Robin-chat; Woodland Kingfisher
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Migration routes
Research projects: Intra-african bird migration on the coast of Kenya; Intra-African migrant birds: ecology and conservation
Members living in Lancaster, UK
Stuart Sharp
Study species: Spotted Flycatcher
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Climate Change
Members associated with Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Raphaël Nussbaumer
Study species: Mangrove Kingfisher; Northern Wheatear; Red-capped Robin-chat; Woodland Kingfisher
Research topics: Full annual cycle; Geolocation tracking; Migration routes
Research projects: Intra-african bird migration on the coast of Kenya; Intra-African migrant birds: ecology and conservation
Members associated with Taiwan Wild Bird Fedearation
No members registered
Members living in Taipei, Taiwan
Scott Pursner
Research topics: Climate Change; Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Distribution; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Stopover ecology
Members associated with Taiwan Wild Bird Federation
Scott Pursner
Research topics: Climate Change; Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Distribution; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Stopover ecology
Members living in Ibadan, Nigeria
Taiwo Adams
Study species: Tree Pipits
Research topic: Non-breeding ecology
Members associated with The University of Tripoli & Libyan Society for Birdsv
No members registered
Members living in Tripoli, Libya
No members registered
Members associated with BENIN_SOS SAVANE ONG
No members registered
Members associated with Eden Creation Care Initiative
No members registered
Members associated with University of South Bohemia České Budějovice
No members registered
Members associated with Lund University
Study species: Yellow-billed Kite
Research topic: Yellow-billed Kite dispersal pattern
I'm Caka, a Master's student at Lund University. For my Master's project, I'm studying Yellow-billed Kites and Red Kites dispersal pattern
Members living in Båstad, Sweden
No members registered
Members living in Jos, Nigeria
Emmanuel Osibeme Okposio
Study species: Common Reed Warbler ; Passerines
I am an aspiring one health research scientist interested in ecology and evolution in a changing world blending science with my love for nature.
Members associated with Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Oluwadunsin Emmanuel Adekola
Study species: Gannets, Albatrosses, Petrels and Falcons
Research topic: Moult
I recently completed my PhD. My research explores how large birds balance moult with other aspects of their annual cycles. Specifically, I assessed how long-winged birds manage to replace their large number of secondaries, including strategies to limit the impact of intensive secondary moult in terms of loss of wing area. I also tested whether nestlings compromise flight feather quality in a long-distance migratory raptor. I provided several lines of evidence to proof that moult may be used as an index of condition and ultimately as an indicator of fitness.
Moving forward, I am interested in analyzing moult from an evolutionary and life history perspective.
Members living in Canterbury, UK
Oluwadunsin Emmanuel Adekola
Study species: Gannets, Albatrosses, Petrels and Falcons
Research topic: Moult
I recently completed my PhD. My research explores how large birds balance moult with other aspects of their annual cycles. Specifically, I assessed how long-winged birds manage to replace their large number of secondaries, including strategies to limit the impact of intensive secondary moult in terms of loss of wing area. I also tested whether nestlings compromise flight feather quality in a long-distance migratory raptor. I provided several lines of evidence to proof that moult may be used as an index of condition and ultimately as an indicator of fitness.
Moving forward, I am interested in analyzing moult from an evolutionary and life history perspective.
Members associated with Zimbabwe
No members registered
Members associated with Asity Madagascar
No members registered
Members associated with BirdLife South Africa
Kyle Lloyd
Study species: Flufftails
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Distribution; Full annual cycle; intra-African migration; Migration routes; Moult; Mountain ecology; Non-breeding ecology
Members living in Cape Town, South Africa
No members registered
Members associated with NABU / BirdLife Germany
Vera Brust
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Geolocation tracking; Migration; Wintering ecology
Members living in Berlin, Germany
Vera Brust
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Geolocation tracking; Migration; Wintering ecology
Members associated with Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Climate Change; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Moult
The Bird Migration Research Stationis a research and teaching department in the faculty of biology at the University of Gdańsk. Our research focuses on determining the biology, ecology and morphology of birds during their non-breeding season, especially on migration, to identify the relationships between migration and other elements of their life cycle, and to monitor populations of migratory birds. Our studies focus on passerines as models in studies of migration, but we are also interested in movements of birds from other groups. Operation Baltic, conducted since 1960 at the Polish Baltic coast, is our stations’ main long-term research and monitoring project. Modelling long-term trends in numbers, and changes in the timing and features of bird migrations, in response to changes in environment, including climate change, is a key part of our research. We conduct projects in Poland and abroad, focusing on different aspects of bird movements along their main migration routes. Our research projects merge the efforts of ornithologists and citizen scientists, and involve students and volunteers. During our project we disseminate knowledge about birds to nature lovers of all ages and all nationalities.
Members living in sempach
No members registered
Members living in Bird Ringing Station "Hel"
Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Climate Change; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Moult
The Bird Migration Research Stationis a research and teaching department in the faculty of biology at the University of Gdańsk. Our research focuses on determining the biology, ecology and morphology of birds during their non-breeding season, especially on migration, to identify the relationships between migration and other elements of their life cycle, and to monitor populations of migratory birds. Our studies focus on passerines as models in studies of migration, but we are also interested in movements of birds from other groups. Operation Baltic, conducted since 1960 at the Polish Baltic coast, is our stations’ main long-term research and monitoring project. Modelling long-term trends in numbers, and changes in the timing and features of bird migrations, in response to changes in environment, including climate change, is a key part of our research. We conduct projects in Poland and abroad, focusing on different aspects of bird movements along their main migration routes. Our research projects merge the efforts of ornithologists and citizen scientists, and involve students and volunteers. During our project we disseminate knowledge about birds to nature lovers of all ages and all nationalities.
Members living in Bird Ringing Station "Bukowo-Kopań"
Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Climate Change; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Moult
The Bird Migration Research Stationis a research and teaching department in the faculty of biology at the University of Gdańsk. Our research focuses on determining the biology, ecology and morphology of birds during their non-breeding season, especially on migration, to identify the relationships between migration and other elements of their life cycle, and to monitor populations of migratory birds. Our studies focus on passerines as models in studies of migration, but we are also interested in movements of birds from other groups. Operation Baltic, conducted since 1960 at the Polish Baltic coast, is our stations’ main long-term research and monitoring project. Modelling long-term trends in numbers, and changes in the timing and features of bird migrations, in response to changes in environment, including climate change, is a key part of our research. We conduct projects in Poland and abroad, focusing on different aspects of bird movements along their main migration routes. Our research projects merge the efforts of ornithologists and citizen scientists, and involve students and volunteers. During our project we disseminate knowledge about birds to nature lovers of all ages and all nationalities.
Members living in Bird Ringing Station "Mierzeja Wislana"
Bird Migration Research Station, University of Gdańsk
Study species: Passerines
Research topics: Climate Change; Migration; Migration routes; Migratory connectivity; Moult
The Bird Migration Research Stationis a research and teaching department in the faculty of biology at the University of Gdańsk. Our research focuses on determining the biology, ecology and morphology of birds during their non-breeding season, especially on migration, to identify the relationships between migration and other elements of their life cycle, and to monitor populations of migratory birds. Our studies focus on passerines as models in studies of migration, but we are also interested in movements of birds from other groups. Operation Baltic, conducted since 1960 at the Polish Baltic coast, is our stations’ main long-term research and monitoring project. Modelling long-term trends in numbers, and changes in the timing and features of bird migrations, in response to changes in environment, including climate change, is a key part of our research. We conduct projects in Poland and abroad, focusing on different aspects of bird movements along their main migration routes. Our research projects merge the efforts of ornithologists and citizen scientists, and involve students and volunteers. During our project we disseminate knowledge about birds to nature lovers of all ages and all nationalities.
Members associated with A. P. Leventis Ornithological research Institute
Emmanuel Osibeme Okposio
Study species: Common Reed Warbler ; Passerines
I am an aspiring one health research scientist interested in ecology and evolution in a changing world blending science with my love for nature.
Members associated with Eden Creation Care Initiative, Rinnajj Fish Farm
Emmanuel Osibeme Okposio
Study species: Common Reed Warbler ; Passerines
I am an aspiring one health research scientist interested in ecology and evolution in a changing world blending science with my love for nature.
Members associated with International Bird Conservation Partnership
Nico Arcilla
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Distribution; Migration; Migratory connectivity; Wintering ecology
The International Bird Conservation Partnership (IBCP)'s mission is to foster and support research, outreach, and partnerships to advance the conservation of birds worldwide.
Members living in Stockholm
Nico Arcilla
Study species: All migrants
Research topics: Conservation action, threat reduction, international cooperation; Distribution; Migration; Migratory connectivity; Wintering ecology
The International Bird Conservation Partnership (IBCP)'s mission is to foster and support research, outreach, and partnerships to advance the conservation of birds worldwide.
Members associated with Ornithological Research Center, Ondokuz Mayıs University
No members registered
Members living in Samsun, Turkey
Kiraz Erciyas Yavuz
Study species: All migrants
Research topic: Census, Migration, Ecology
Research focuses on bird migration, bird ecology, bird distribution and population monitoring. Ability to birdwatch, bird ringing and monitoring, attaching tracking devices on birds, nature conservation policies, understanding and implementing ecotourism. Professional ornithologist: qualified ringer and affiliated with Cernek Bird Ringing Station since 2002. Organisation of national waterbird censuses. Provided Turkish contributions to European Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA), Member of Turkish BBA scientific council. Turkish representative in EURING. Contributor to IUCN Redlist bird species. IUCN Species Survival Commission Member. IUCN SSC Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group Member. Turkish representative/contributor to international bird action plans (e.g. Ferruginous Duck, Roller). Experienced in collecting, analysing and summarizing data from a variety of sources. Academic and policy knowledge dissemination – training activities and workshops.
Members associated with Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine
Camille Mermillon
Study species: Northern Wheatear
Research topics: Breeding ecology; Climate Change; Mountain ecology; Trophic links
Members associated with Aranzadi Ringing Scheme / Aranzadi Sciences Society
Juan Arizaga
Research topics: Migration; Migratory connectivity; Stopover ecology
Head of the Aranzadi Ringing Scheme.
Members associated with Kosovo Ornithological Society - KOS
No members registered
Members associated with Ornithological Research Center
Kiraz Erciyas Yavuz
Study species: All migrants
Research topic: Census, Migration, Ecology
Research focuses on bird migration, bird ecology, bird distribution and population monitoring. Ability to birdwatch, bird ringing and monitoring, attaching tracking devices on birds, nature conservation policies, understanding and implementing ecotourism. Professional ornithologist: qualified ringer and affiliated with Cernek Bird Ringing Station since 2002. Organisation of national waterbird censuses. Provided Turkish contributions to European Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA), Member of Turkish BBA scientific council. Turkish representative in EURING. Contributor to IUCN Redlist bird species. IUCN Species Survival Commission Member. IUCN SSC Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group Member. Turkish representative/contributor to international bird action plans (e.g. Ferruginous Duck, Roller). Experienced in collecting, analysing and summarizing data from a variety of sources. Academic and policy knowledge dissemination – training activities and workshops.