We are working on developing a broad network between scientists, citizen-scientists, stakeholders, economists and have a specific interest in integrating underrepresented African and European countries. By involving people from all across the flyways we aim to bridge the conservation continuum from local solutions to global solutions and to formulate species action plans. By offering workshops and symposia during ornithological conferences we started to share our knowledge with a broader audience. Now, in these contact free times, we still want to connect globally and so we have set up the opportunity to attend virtual lectures and discussions on current research. Perhaps, you would like some feedback on your own research or to promote a new project? Let us know and we can give you the opportunity to speak up!
This first webinar was opened by our deputy chair Dr Ivan Maggini, researcher at University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Austria), who specialises on morphological and physiological adaptations of migratory birds, especially songbirds crossing large ecological barriers, such as the Sahara Desert. He presented his findings about how water availability influences the refuelling in small songbirds stopping over in the desert. More information about Ivan’s projects is here: https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/konrad-lorenz-institute-of-ethology/about-us/our-team/scientists/maggini-ivan/
The second talk was given by the chair of MLSG, Dr Janne Ouwehand, postdoc at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), who studies the migration and wintering ecology of Pied Flycatchers. You can follow her project on her blog https://flightcatchproject.wordpress.com/the-project/
Prof Will Cresswell, our master treasurer, is a lecturer at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and since 2001, at the AP Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI) in Nigeria. His research is focussed on the distribution and migratory connectivity of Palaearctic migrants. Within his talk he discussed methods to estimate migratory connectivity, including tracking data from raptors and songbirds across the globe.
You can find a recording of the webinar here: https://unito.webex.com/unito/ldr.php?RCID=c4d3a60114856f16b0335fec1ca26f35
We thank the ~ 70 people audience for attending and discussing with us and look forward to the next webinar on 24th of February! The announcement and link will be shared here, in our facebook group and via twitter @MigrantLandbird.
M.M. Sander