Migrant Landbird Study Group

Promoting collaborative research for migratory landbirds across flyways

Dutch English French German Spanish Turkish


The webinar was opened by Sandra Goded, MLSG international networker. She is working in Africa assessing the population status of migratory species in different habitats within protected and non-protected areas. She also presented her efforts and success in empowering local people to the monitoring and conservation of birds in Ghana throughout the year.



Wieland Heim, MLSG conference organizer, presented his research on songbirds of the East Asian flyway. He contributed significantly to describe the patterns, routes and threats of migrating songbirds along this flyway by tracking and analysing data of eight species, e.g. Siberian Rubythroat, and combining these resources with citizen science and ringing data. He especially highlighted the need for conservation action for the formerly abundant Yellow-breasted bunting that is recently and rapidly declining due to illegal trading and trapping in North East China.



Malcolm Burgess, MLSG supporting senior, is working as a scientist at RSPB, conducting and organizing field studies mainly on woodland birds’ breeding and migration ecology. He is especially interested in trophic mismatches, fitness and population trends. During his PhD, he started the citizen science network, that has now hundreds of regular volunteers monitoring more than 3,000 nest boxes, hosting a data set of e.g. 7,000 Pied flycatcher nests from 1955-2020, and published 15 peer-reviewed papers during numerous collaborations.



You can find a recording of the webinar here:

keyword: *rbn+T78


We thank the ~ 45 people in the audience for attending and discussing with us and look forward to the next webinar on March 17th!

The announcement and link will be shared here, in our facebook group and via twitter @MigrantLandbird.


Perhaps you would like some feedback on your own research or to promote a new project? Let us know and we can give you the opportunity to speak up!

Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


M.M. Sander
