Migrant Landbird Study Group

Promoting collaborative research for migratory landbirds across flyways

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Flavio Monti

Research topic: Full annual cycle

My main research interest focuses on bird migration ecology with applications in conservation biology and wildlife management, specifically in the Mediterranean region.

Mediterranean Osprey Project (MOP) - (Ph.D. 2012-2014)

In the framework of my Ph.D. thesis, through an interdisciplinary framework, I investigated several aspects of the ecology of the osprey Pandion haliaetus with the aim to design conservation-related measures for an effective management of the species at different spatial and temporal scales.

The project can be summarized in three sections:

Genetics = a phylogeographic study to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the species at global scale (via mtDNA analyses), and an evaluation of the osprey population connectivity at the Western Palearctic scale (via microsatellite analyses).

Movement Ecology = a comparison study of migratory behaviour (via GPS-GSM tracking devices) and winter ecology (via stable isotopes analyses) between Mediterranean ospreys and ospreys from northern European populations.

Conservation = evaluation of human-wildlife conflicts in three local breeding populations of the Mediterranean basin (Corsica, Morocco and Italy).

Movebank repository project name: “Osprey in Mediterranean

Project webpage:

Italian Osprey Reintroduction Project (2006-ongoing)

Since 2006, I am also involved in the reintroduction project of the species (via the hacking technique) which is held in central Italy (southern Tuscany). The project aims to re-establish a breeding population that would potentially inter-connect with the nearby Corsican breeding population. Between 2006 and 2010, 32 juvenile ospreys were translocated and released in the Maremma Regional Park. First breeding occurrences were recorded in 2011. At present (2015), three pairs breed in the region and a total of 15 chicks have been raised since the beginning of the project. In the near future a gradual increase in the number of breeding pairs is expected in the wetland system of coastal Tuscany and in the islands of the Tuscany Archipelago. The ultimate goal is the re-establishment of at least a part of the ancient range of osprey distribution in the Central Mediterranean basin.

Project webpage:

Breeding ecology of European rollers (Coracias garrulus) in Latium.

Next to Ospreys, I recently started to collaborate with Ornis italica ( for studying European rollers in central Italy. Here, rollers breed in nest boxes placed on electric pylons within an agricultural landscape. Some aspects of the breeding ecology are currently under study. 

Project webpage:


Scientific peer reviewed

1. Monti, F., Lo Cascio, P. & Sforzi, A. (2018). Evidence of high noctural activity of insect fauna in Osprey nests: insights from video-cameras. Journal of Raptor Research (in press).

2. Monti, F., Grémillet, D. Sforzi, A. Dominici, J.M., Triay Bagur, R., Muñoz Navarro, A., Fusani, L., Klaassen, R.H.G., Alerstam, T. & Duriez, O. (2018). Migration distance affects stopover use but not travel speed: Contrasting patterns between long- and short-distance migrating ospreys. Journal of Avian Biology, doi 10.1111/jav.01839

3. Monti, F., Delfour, F., Arnal, V., Zenboudji, S., Duriez, O. & Montgelard, C. (2018). Genetic connectivity among osprey populations and consequences for conservation: philopatry versus dispersal as key factors. Conservation Genetics, 19: 839-851.

4. Monti, F., Duriez, O., Dominici, JM., Sforzi, A., Robert, A., Fusani, L. & Grémillet, D. (2018). The price of success: integrative long-term study reveals ecotourism impacts on a flagship species at a UNESCO site. Animal Conservation.

5. Monti, F., Grémillet, D., Sforzi, A., Sammuri, G., Dominici, J.M., Triay, R., Munoz, A., Fusani, L. & Duriez, O. (2018). Migration and wintering strategies in vulnerable Mediterranean Osprey populations. Ibis, 160: 554-567. doi:10.1111/ibi.12567

6. Monti, F., Duriez, O., Arnal, V., Dominici, J.-M., Sforzi, A., Fusani, L., Grémillet, D. & Montgelard, C. (2015). Being cosmopolitan: evolutionary history and phylogeography of a specialized raptor, the Osprey Pandion haliaetus. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15:255. 

7. Monti, F., Dominici, J.-M., Choquet, R., Duriez, O., Sammuri, G. & Sforzi, A. (2014). The Osprey reintroduction in Central Italy: dispersal, survival and first breeding data. Bird Study, 61: 465–473. 

8. Monti, F., Nibani, H., Dominici, J.-M., Rguibi Idrissi H., Thévenet, M., Beaubrun, PC. & Duriez, O. (2013). The vulnerable Osprey breeding population of the Al Hoceima National Park, Morocco: present status and threats. Ostrich, 84(3): 199-204.

9. Monti, F., Sforzi, A. & Dominici, JM. (2012). Post-fledging dependence period of osprey Pandion haliaetus released in central Italy: home ranges, space use and aggregation. Ardeola, 59(1): 17-30.

Scientific popular

Monti, F., Dominici, JM., Grémillet, D. & Duriez, O. (2017). Ecologie et conservation du balbuzard pecheur Pandion haliaetus en Méditerranée. Ornithos, 24-5: 257-271.

Monti, F. & Duriez, O. (2017). Un rapace cosmopolite mais menacé en Mediterranée. Rapaces de France n. 19. 

Monti, F. (2012). The Osprey, Pandion haliaetus. State of knowledge and conservation of the breeding population of the Mediterranean basin. Monograph. Initiative PIM. 26p.

Monti, F. & Troisi, A. (2008). Book - Progetto Osprey; Storia illustrata del falco pescatore in Italia ed Europa. Pandion Edizioni, Roma, pp. 104.