Migrant Landbird Study Group

Promoting collaborative research for migratory landbirds across flyways

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This meeting is the essence of what the MSLG is trying to do. We are aiming to connect research and conservation across the flyway – to facilitate the research and to inform the people who can then make changes to conserve migrant birds. A detailed schedule of the day can be seen here.

The meeting is on Monday 24th August just before the start of the EOU conference. We will have three short talk sessions (ecology, conservation & methodologies) containing ~ 10 talks each, followed by general discussions. At the end of the day we will establish four break out groups with the task of establishing priorities for research and conservation; each group will be led by the 3 session chair-people and one specifically to focus on turtle doves (requested by several people). The discussions will identify knowledge gaps, barriers and areas for possible future collaborations across the flyways. The turtle dove discussion group will also cover the breadth of topics discussed in the three sessions, but will focus on this single species and will provide a good highlight of which issues are species-specific.

This is an informal networking day, where talks are short and designed to give a clear, succinct overview of people’s work and how it fits in the general priorities of research into ecology, conservation and methods. We hope contributors will be as broad as possible and consider the wider context of their work, particularly aspects that might assist others working on migrant landbirds. The main session talks are strictly limited to 5 minutes and 6 Powerpoint slides only. Talks are short to exchange as much current research information as possible and so to facilitate research and conservation collaborations on migrant landbirds. This is not a forum to present anyone as the best or most experienced research scientist – we will leave that to the main EOU conference proceedings!  This is a forum to communicate what researchers are doing right now, to get researchers connected to facilitate their research or conservation aims. I hope it will be a useful and enjoyable day.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend – even up to the last minute.

We look forward to seeing you all in Badajoz and to moving just a tiny bit closer towards keeping the migrant land birds, that are so important to the quality of our life, with us.

Will Cresswell, on behalf of the MLSG EOU symposium organising committee