The MLSG – Migratory Landbird Study Group – is a network to connect people working on migrant landbirds, whether pure research or their conservation, to facilitate both. Collaboration and communication make a difference – particularly when the solution to understanding and conserving migrants must involve all of us on the flyways working together.
The MLSG links researchers and conservation practitioners together, primarily through organising international meetings and providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge and practical assistance. The MLSG is particularly aimed at facilitating collaborations and capacity across the flyway, by uniting early career with established researchers, and researchers from countries that host non-breeding migrants with those from countries that host passage and breeding migrants.
The success of migrants in the face of habitat and climate change will be a product of their flexibility in establishing new routes and links in the migratory chain. So too will our effectiveness in research, conservation, formulating policy or spreading the word.
To join MLSG, and register your own projects, please sign-up here.
Countries covered by AEMLAP Annex 2
Species covered by AEMLAP Annex 3
Charitable Status
The MLSG has its seat in the Netherlands and was officially registered as ‘Stichting Palearctisch Trekvogelonderzoek’ at the Chamber of Commerce on 4 March 2015. The foundation was officially recognized as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) by the government of the Netherlands in February 2015.
Stichting Palearctisch Trekvogelonderzoek
ANBI/PBO: xxx (25.02.2016)
RSIN: 8549.39.003
Chamber of Commerce: 62901478
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The foundation of the Migrant Landbird Study Group (MLSG) was conceived under the Africa-Eurasia Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP) by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). There is a strong need for a collaborative force that aims to connect researchers and amateurs throughout the Palaearctic working on migrating landbirds, a gap the MLSG tends to fill.
The objective of the MLSG is to serve as an independent study group to streamline research efforts that will inform conservation action for migrant landbirds in the Africa-Eurasia flyway within a global conservation context. The MLSG will promote and encourage co-operation between researchers, both amateurs and professionals, and enthuse a broader public through an online information-sharing and knowledge-exchange platform, and by the organisation of meetings, e-newsletters, co-operative projects, and any other legal means.
Management & Rewards policy
The MLSG is managed by an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and not less than three and not more than seven ordinary Executive Committee members. All board members participate on a voluntary basis and are not rewarded financially for their service with the exception of travel reimbursements to attend meetings and activities. In excess of 90% of our funds are to be used to conduct our main activities, i.e.: development and maintenance of the website.